Type A Meets Type B

A rambling of thoughts, ideas, and information that I wish to share with my fellow PB bloggers. Sounds like fun, right? Bonus: communicating this way doesn't use up cell phone minutes!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Resolutions For the New Year

1. Survive Nursing School for the remainder of the year, at which point I will only have 1 semester left to endure.
2. Exercise on a regular, routine basis. Specifically, take gym clothes with me every time I'm on campus, and go to the gym after class. That is the routine, period. Class to gym. Gym to home. Or wherever.
3. Eat out less. Eat at home more. Take your pick, that one's two sides of the same coin.
4. Make an awesome nursing project that is worthy of publication in Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing.
5. Get a less stressful job than the one I have now.
6. Drink more water, and drink fewer carbonated beverages.
7. Read the entirety of Isaiah before the end of this month.


Blogger Something Creative said...

1. You can do it!
2. Taking clothes with you is probably a good motivator, because if you don't work out, you needlessly brought them, which therefore only served to contribute to the entropy of the universe, and no redeeming purpose.
3. I'm right there with you on that one. I just have to learn to cook first.
4. I think this one is achievable. Have you selected a topic?
5. Hopefully that one is in the works now!
6. That's a tough one. Caffeine is a harsh mistress!
7. Reading 3.5 books a day will do it.

So, I felt compelled to respond to each item, probably because they were numbered, but it ended up being an undertaking requiring much more creativity than I initially anticipated. But there you have it.


1:02 AM  
Blogger Owl of the Desert said...

Yeah, I'm with KJM..."you can do it!"

11:51 PM  

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