Type A Meets Type B

A rambling of thoughts, ideas, and information that I wish to share with my fellow PB bloggers. Sounds like fun, right? Bonus: communicating this way doesn't use up cell phone minutes!

Friday, March 24, 2006


Oh my goodness. I'm not even going to tell y'all how literally terrible this week was. 3 tests, one pop quiz, family gone having fun in Montana, much sleeplessness, evil roommate, snappiness all around.... Okay I will tell you about my evil roommate.
My roommate is what you might call a "lady of the night." As such, she rarely spends the night here at the apartment. However, she always comes in early in the morning to get ready for class. Now, I have had very little sleep this week but have 8 am classes every day, so I also have to get up early. It is so irritating when 40 minutes before you have to get up, you wake up to the sound of your roommate microwaving things and clattering dishes while talking to herself. Wow. And THEN later while I was getting ready, she turned the heat up to EIGHTY. That's right. I'm not exagerrating. Literally, 80 degrees Fahrenheit. I was sweating too much to get dressed!! So I (once again) turned it down to reasonable 73, muttering hexes while I got my breakfast cookie and trudged off to lab......
But at least when I get off work tonight at 6 I shall get to go home. For a whole week! And Laurel is coming to visit!! And I'm going to relax and lay by the pool (if it warms up) and read books and bake cookies and laugh and laugh and laugh all week long......


Blogger ThePizzaPizzaMan said...

I really like the part where you

"laugh and laugh and laugh all week long"

Sounds like a good plan by the way : )

1:59 PM  
Blogger Lady Godiva said...

Haha, well what else am I going to do in Jasper all week?

2:22 PM  

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