Type A Meets Type B

A rambling of thoughts, ideas, and information that I wish to share with my fellow PB bloggers. Sounds like fun, right? Bonus: communicating this way doesn't use up cell phone minutes!

Monday, May 15, 2006


Well, as most of you know since you were there, the wedding is over. It went beautifully. I couldn't have imagined it any better. And Jamaica was nice too. Very warm, very sunny, very nice blue water. We got back Friday.
If I knew how to post pictures, I would. But since I don't, I won't. Maybe I'll make Dustin do it when he gets home from work.
I don't know what the deal is, but I'm kind of blue today. Dustin is at work. He's leaving tomorrow for a 3 day business trip. There are clothes and stuff everywhere that need to be organized and put away and approximately 8 bazillion thank you notes calling my name. And a million errands to be done to get my name changed at school, work, the bank, insurance, etc. I think I've just been sitting here by myself staring at the piles of clothing and groceries too long or something. Oh well. Mother says this is what I signed up for, so I sould cheer up and remember that thank you notes mean someone who loves us sent a gift. I'm not sure I'm mature enough for that perspective yet, as my left hand has already engaged in preemptive cramping. Then again, Big Shurn is not especially known for her cheering-up skills. But she's my Momma and I love her the way she is anyways. Heaven knows she puts up with it from me.


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